Parent Forum


Mt St Patrick Primary School Parish School Forum was commenced in October 2001 following the closure of the P & F Association in September. The Forum meets once a Term. 

Purpose of the Parish School Forum

The Parish School Forum provides a structure to enable parent, teachers, students, school leaders and parish members to meet their ecclesial and educational responsibilities for partnership and community.


The Parish School Forum is an advisory body through the principal to the parish priest.  The parish priest has an unencumbered right to attend and take part in the Parish School Forum team or any committees thereof but is not obliged to do so.

Office Bearers

At the first meeting of each year the Parish School Forum team chooses a Chairperson,

Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. 


The parish School Forum team is to meet once a term.


The purpose of all fundraising is for the benefit of the parish school community within the areas of Catholic identity and mission, Policy, Finance, Building and Maintenance, Curriculum and Communication.  Priorities for the disbursement of funds are determined at regular meetings of the Parish School Forum.  Any fundraising by the Parish School Forum must be notified and approved by the Parish.

Financial Statement 31 December 2023

The Mt St Patrick Primary School Parish School Forum Constitution & Minutes of Meetings are available below

Parent Forum Constitution 2021

Minutes of meetings:

Term 2,2023

Term 3, 2023

Term 4,2023

Term 1,2024

Term 2, 2024