Parent Arrival and Departure
During school hours, the parents of students at Mount St Patrick Primary School report to the reception area in Mooball Street. The path from Queensland Road provides direct access.
Student Arrival and School Supervision
- Students arrive from buses on Murwillumbah Street or Queensland and Road and proceed to school premises.
- A parent ‘drop off’ zone operates in the morning on the eastern side of Mooball Street (bus bay area ). Parents are permitted to park for 2 minutes only and must remain within 3 metres of their vehicle.
- Parents may enter the school grounds via the Hardcourt only to drop off their child/ren in the morning.

Student Dismissal & After School Supervision
- Walkers & Parent Parking: Parents are to park on Queensland Rd if they intend to leave their vehicle and wait to collect their child/ren from the oval/ grass areas. Parents are not to park on the Western side of Mooball St in the afternoon.
- NB: Parents are not permitted to enter the school grounds, for example, Hardcourt/Basement in the afternoon pick up.
- Infant teachers (Years Kinder - Year 2) will dismiss students from the grass area if their parents/carers have made this arrangement.
- Hoopla Circus follows best practices in Catholic schools by appointing a child supervisor to collect the children and escort the children to their after-school business venue. The safest route is to walk along the path on the eastern side of Mooball St and cross at the intersection of Mooball St & Queensland Rd. Then enter through the Showground's main entrance. Parking is available adjacent to the Showground's main entrance.
- Car ‘Pick Up’ Zone Queensland Road: After 3.15 pm, a Primary teacher is to supervise students and walk from the Primary school site, across the cement adjacent to the Gilbey Centre, onto the pick-up zone. The teacher observes surnames printed on the card and laminated on sun visors are an option. When the teacher closest to the vehicle identifies the parent/carer in the vehicle, the student/students move to the head of the line. Young children enter the safety door side of the car, and all students enter from the same side of the car. Loading of two cars only is advised. Under no circumstances is the parent to exit the car or a student or teacher to walk to the driver's side of the car. Cars move forward in a queue as the previous cars depart. It is not expected cars will drive forward into gaps left by existing cars. When all cars have moved through the queue, the supervising teachers escort any remaining children to the foyer of the school for collection by the parent/carer.
- Please note: no build-up of cars from the one-way street is to block Queensland Rd. Parents may need to do a lap around the school boundaries, such as Queensland Rd, Mooball St & Main Rd, to allow a smooth flow of traffic on Queensland Rd.
- Parents are encouraged to turn left onto Queensland Rd after collecting their children rather than doing a right-hand turn.
Parents are encouraged to turn left onto Queensland Road after collecting their children rather than doing a right-hand turn.
Wet Weather
- In rainy weather, Primary teachers who are supervising the car pick-up area on Queensland Road will unlock the Gilbey Centre basement for students to wait in this area.
Students Travelling By Bus
- Students proceed to the Basement area at Mount St Patrick Primary School. Students line up behind their allocated bus lines. When the supervising teacher identifies and calls their bus, the students stand and proceed out the gate. A second & third teacher supervises the boarding of the bus. Only the front two or three buses are boarded before departure. The procedure is for Primary students to board first, then College students.\
- To apply for a bus pass: Transport NSW.
MSPP Road Safety Management Plan1.pdf